DFP Portraits
DFP Portraits Home

Welcome to DFP Portraits! I hope you enjoy your visit. These portraits are Digital Finger Paintings, drawn on my iPad, from my own photos or those provided by the pet owner.
Come on in and browse the Gallery, where you can see all the portraits. The Gallery is updated as new portraits are produced, so do pop back often.
If you'd like a DFP Portrait of your own pet, or as a present for friend or family, I take commissions in exchange for a donation to one of my charities. Just click on the Commissions link for details of how you can get one, and see the Donate page for more details of the charities I currently support. Donations via the Justgiving links provided are always welcome, whether or not you wish to commission a portrait, and will help some extremely good causes.
The Links page contains a few websites I have found invaluable, and which I hope you will find of interest.
Thank you for visiting DFP Portraits.
I look forward to seeing you again soon.