
I currently support seven charities via JustGiving pages. The suggested amount for commissions is £30 or more.

You are welcome to use any image for personal or non-profit use, if you download an image please make a donation, any amount is welcome. If you wish to use an image for commercial use, please contact me to discuss.

Feel free to make a donation if you simply enjoy these portraits and want to help a good cause.

All donations to AMMF (the UK's only Cholangiocarcinoma Charity), Edenhall Marie Curie Hospice, London, The UK Sepsis Trust, Stroke Association, Macular Society and/or Newborn Intensive Care Unit at St Mary's Manchester will be very gratefully received. Please use the links below to donate.

Thank you.

mariecurielogo (for Marie Curie Hospice)

sepsis-logo (for The UK Sepsis Trust)

au_macular_society_logo (for Macular Society)

stroke-logo (for Stroke Association)

icu (for Newborn Intensive Care Unit at St Mary's Manchester)

dementia-logo (for Dementia UK)