DFP Portraits
www.ammf.org.uk - AMMF: the UK's only Cholangiocarcinoma Charity
www.cholangiocarcinoma.org - The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation
www.mynameisnotcancer.com - My Name Is NOT Cancer (MNINC)
www.mariecurie.org.uk - Marie Curie Cancer Care
www.cancerresearchuk.org - Cancer Research UK
www.cancer52.org.uk - Cancer 52: 52% (& rising) of UK cancer deaths are from the less common cancers
www.sepsistrust.org/ - The UK Sepsis Trust
www.macularsociety.org - for info on macular degeneration
www.stroke.org.uk - Stroke Association
www.justgiving.com/julia-richards2 (for Newborn Intensive Care Unit at St Mary's Manchester)
www.dementiauk.org - Dementia UK
www.treatmesothelioma.org - for info on Mesothelioma, an asbestos-related cancer of the lining surrounding many of the body’s internal organs.
www.thekaosorganisation.com - The Kaos Signing Choir for Deaf and Hearing Children
www.haringeyphoenix.org.uk - Haringey Phoenix Group: Working with and for Visually Impaired People
www.touchnote.com - Touchnote: a great way to send postcards
www.wobbiewobbit.com - Songwriter and DFP Portraits website designer
www.facebook.com/dfppp - DFP Portraits Facebook Page
www.instagram.com/dfp_portraits - DFP Portraits Instagram page